The Angel of Death is mentioned several times in the Quran as a prominent figure who is responsible for taking the souls of all living beings at the time of their death. In Islam, the Angel of Death is known as "Malak al-Mawt" in Arabic. Here are some Quranic verses that mention the Angel of Death:
"Say, 'The Angel of Death will take you who has been entrusted with you. Then to your Lord, you will be returned.'" (Surah Sajdah, Verse 11)
"Indeed, they see it [i.e., death] as distant, but We see it as near. On the Day the sky will be like murky oil, and the mountains will be like wool, and no friend will ask [anything of] a friend, as they are [all] shown each other. The criminal will wish that he could be ransomed from the punishment of that Day by his children, and his wife and his brother and his nearest kindred who shelter him and whoever is on earth entirely [so] then it could save him. No! Indeed, it is the Flame [of Hell], plucking out [his being] right to the skull, inviting whoever had turned his back on [i.e., disobeyed] and turned away [i.e., from the truth], and collected [wealth] and hoarded." (Surah Al-Ma'arij, Verses 18-26)
"And the intoxication of death will bring the truth; that is what you were trying to avoid." (Surah Qaf, Verse 19)
These verses emphasize the inevitability of death and the role of the Angel of Death in taking the souls of all living beings. They also highlight the importance of preparing for the Day of Judgment and living a righteous life in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
"Say: 'Who is it that can save you from Allah if He intends to harm you, or intends mercy on you?' And they will not find, besides Allah, any protector or helper. Allah knows well those among you who keep others back and those who say to their brethren, 'Come to us,' while they come not to the fight but a little, being niggardly with their help for you. But when danger threatens, you will see them looking to you, their eyes revolving like (those of) one over whom hovers death. Yet when the danger is past, they will smite you with sharp tongues, being niggardly of the good things. Such men have no faith, and so Allah has made their deeds of none effect, and that is easy for Allah." (Surah Al-Imran, Verses 116-117)
"Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, send me back, that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind.' No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. So when the Horn is blown, no relationship will there be among them that Day, nor will they ask about one another. And those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds], it is they who are the successful. But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who have lost their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally." (Surah Al-Mu'minun, Verses 99-103)
"Say, 'I possess not for myself any harm or benefit except what Allah should will. For every nation is a [specified] term. When their time has come, then they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede [it].' Say, 'Have you considered: if His punishment should come to you by night or by day - for which [aspect] of it would the criminals be impatient?'" (Surah Yunus, Verses 49-50)
These verses provide further insight into the role of the Angel of Death in the context of human life and death. They also emphasize the importance of living a righteous life and doing good deeds, as these are the deeds that will be weighed on the Day of Judgment.
"Say: 'The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall you be brought back to your Lord.'" (Surah As-Sajdah, Verse 11)
"Then why do you not intervene when [the soul of a dying person] reaches the throat? And you at that moment are looking on. But We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see. So why, if you are not to be recompensed, do you not compel [the soul to leave]? If the [dying] person is of the near [family], then [let] the one who is responsible for his maintenance request [permission] and speak uprightly. And do not promise Allah anything but the truth. Indeed, the promise made to Allah is binding." (Surah Al-Waqi'ah, Verses 83-89)
"They will say, 'Our Lord, twice You gave us death, and twice You gave us life. We confess our sins. Is there any way out?' [They will be told], 'This is because, when Allah was invoked alone, you disbelieved; but if others were associated with Him, you believed. So the judgement is with Allah, the Most High, the Grand.'" (Surah Al-Mu'min, Verses 10-12)
These verses further highlight the power and authority of the Angel of Death, as well as the importance of living a righteous life and having faith in Allah. They also emphasize the fact that death is a natural part of life and that everyone will experience it eventually.
"When death comes to one of you, Our messengers [i.e., the Angel of Death and his assistants] take him, and they do not fail [in their duties]." (Surah Al-An'am, Verse 61)
"Say: 'The Angel of Death, who has been given charge of you, will carry off your souls. Then to your Lord you will be brought back.'" (Surah As-Sajdah, Verse 11)
"Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, send me back that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind.' No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected." (Surah Al-Mu'minun, Verses 99-100)
"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." (Surah Al-'Imran, Verse 185)
These verses highlight the power and authority of the Angel of Death, as well as the inevitability of death for all living beings. They also emphasize the importance of living a righteous life and preparing for the afterlife, as death can come suddenly and unexpectedly.
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